Sake for the sake lover, brewed with sincerity.
Refining our brewing from the heart to craft sake with a radiant beauty like gold in pure water’s embrace,
sake that creates a connection with the drinker,
sake to end a day on a happy note, for celebration, or healing.
for the ultimate joy of sharing these moments with you.
May our sake add a little sparkle to your life.

「天皇(すめろき)の 御代栄えむと 東なる 陸奥山に黄金花咲く」。
“Even the golden flowers of the mountains of Michinoku in the East bloom for the prosperity of the emperor’s reign.”
This line from the Manyoshu poetry anthology celebrates the brewery’s local town of Wakuya in Miyagi Prefecture as the birthplace of gold mining in Japan. Taking its name from the stream near where the brewery was founded that flowed with gold, the Koganesawa brand has remained its signature throughout its 120-year history. It is cherished both inside and outside Japan.
Before becoming sake brewers, the Kawana family were hardware merchants for the ruling Date family of the Wakuya Domain. This brand was the name of their store, which derives from the Sumikiri Tachibana family crest. Following its revival by the 5th generation president in 2003, the brand has become established as one of the brewery’s more exclusive brands.

Before becoming sake brewers, the Kawana family were hardware merchants for the ruling Date family of the Wakuya Domain. This brand was the name of their store, which derives from the Sumikiri Tachibana family crest. Following its revival by the 5th generation president in 2003, the brand has become established as one of the brewery’s more exclusive brands.
アンザイ | 住所: 北海道札幌市南区石山東5丁目8-26 TEL: 011-592-5151 FAX: 011-592-250 URL: |
川名商店 | 住所:宮城県遠田郡美里町二郷慶半18-5 TEL:0229-58-0330 FAX:0229-58-0331 |
齋林本店 | 住所:宮城県遠田郡美里町南小牛田字町屋敷124 TEL:0229-32-2304 4FAX:0229-32-4246 URL: |
大場善次郎商店 | 住所:宮城県遠田郡美里町字藤ヶ崎1-55 TEL:0229-32-2325 FAX:0229-32-2326 |
大江酒店 | 住所: 宮城県東松島市小松字谷地19 6TEL: 0225-82-2343 FAX: 0225-83-7489 URL: |
四釜商店 | 住所: 宮城県石巻市穀超2-17 TEL: 0225-96-0188 FAX: 0225-93-1017 URL: |
西城酒店 | 住所: 宮城県登米市迫町佐沼梅ノ木2丁目1−1 TEL: 0220-22-2037 FAX: 0220-22-2038 URL: |
阿部酒店 | 住所:宮城県仙台市青葉区川内亀岡12 TEL: 022-223-9037 FAX: 022-223-9037 URL: |
阿部八酒店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市青葉区宮町4丁目5-35 TEL: 022-222-6433 FAX: 022-262-3225 |
錦本店 | 住所:宮城県仙台市青葉区錦町1-2-18 TEL: 022-224-1411 FAX: 022-264-5262 URL: |
池田酒店 | 住所:宮城県仙台市青葉区上杉三丁目8-38 TEL: 022-222-6797 FAX: 022-222-0277 URL: |
酒のかわしま | 住所: 宮城県仙台市宮城野区東仙台6-5-27 TEL: 022-762-706 1FAX: 022-742-5225 URL: |
カネタケ青木商店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市太白区鹿野1丁目7-16 TEL: 022-247-4626 FAX: 022-249-0593 URL: |
藤崎百貨店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市青葉区一番町3丁目2-17 TEL: 022-261-5111 URL: |
酒のこまつ 吉野屋酒店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市青葉区五橋2丁目8-22 TEL: 022-222-6754 FAX: 022-222-6753 |
吉田酒店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市太白区大野田2丁目1-54 TEL: 022-249-1611 FAX: 022-249-1621 URL: |
石田酒店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市太白区長町4丁目3-8 TEL: 022-248-0066 FAX: 022-248-0666 |
熊谷酒店 | 住所: 宮城県仙台市若林区河原町1丁目3-24 TEL: 022-223-3870 FAX: 022-229-3876 |
相原酒店 | 住所: 宮城県塩釜市北浜4丁目8-20 TEL: 022-362-5187 FAX: 022-395-5680 URL: |
むとう屋 | 住所: 宮城県宮城郡松島町普賢堂23-4 TEL: 022-354-3155 FAX: 022-354-3456 URL: |
木村商店 | 住所:宮城県刈田郡蔵王町遠刈田温泉旭町7 TEL: 0224-34-3800 URL:
ふくはら酒店 | 住所: 東京都台東区台東3-6-8 TEL: 03-3831-2235 FAX: 03-3831-2316 URL: |
かき沼 | 住所:東京都足立区江北5丁目12-12 TEL: 03-3899-3520 FAX: 03-3855-2002 URL: |
かねゑ越前屋 | 住所:東京都江東区三好1-8-3 TEL: 03-3641-2190 FAX: 03-3641-2190 |
朝日屋酒店 | 住所:東京都世田谷区赤堤1-14-13 TEL: 03-3324-1155 FAX: 03-3324-1151 URL: |
三ツ矢酒店 | 住所: 東京都杉並区西荻南2丁目28-15 TEL: 03-3334-7447 FAX: 03-3334-7448 URL: |
はせがわ酒店 | 住所: 東京都港区麻布十番2-3-3 TEL: 03-6273-4355 FAX: 03-5224-3670 URL: |
宮田酒店 | 住所: 東京都三鷹市上連雀1-18-3 TEL: 0422-51-9314 FAX: 0422-51-9316 URL: |
味のマチダヤ | 住所: 東京都中野区上高田1-49-12 TEL: 03-3389-4551 FAX: 03-3389-4563 URL: |
オオタケ | 住所: 愛知県名古屋市千種区春岡1-34-18 TEL: 052-751-1492 FAX: 052-784-4005 URL: |
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Kawakei Shoten’s sake brewing can be defined by its use of yamahai, Yamahai is a traditional method to make the starter, the stage in sake brewing where brewers propagate yeast, the fermentation workhorse. In contrast to the conventional method of adding lactic acid to speed up the process, brewers borrow the help of natural lactic acid bacteria to create lactic acid. While requiring more time and effort, it produces tastes unique to the brewery. That’s why Kawakei Shoten has remained committed to using the technique since its founding. Yamahai is often associated with rich, complex sake, but Kawakei Shoten’s yamahai sake is surprisingly light and clean, with an elegant core, and can be enjoyed at various temperatures.

撮影・編集 カワナアキ
The brewery was founded by the first generation, Takaharu Kawana, in Wakuya Town in 1902. Later, upon requiring his own rice field, he moved to Misato Town (formerly Nango Town), where the brewery has called home ever since. It is Japan’s oldest gold mining area, and the brewery named its Koganesawa (gold stream) brand after this fact. Before becoming sake brewers, the Kawana family were hardware merchants for the ruling Date family of the Wakuya Domain. The brewery’s second brand Tachibanaya revives the name of the store they used at the time and has become established as one of the brewery’s more exclusive brands.

撮影・編集 カワナアキ
宮城県内の7つの蔵元が協力して、毎年商品を生み出す「DATĒ SEVEN(ダテセブン)」に参加しています。それぞれの工程を分担して、7蔵でこその新しい魅力を作りだすチャレンジです。現状に満足せず、新しいことにも積極的に挑戦することで、日本酒の魅力を広く世界に伝えていきたいと考えています。
The brewery feels blessed to be located in Miyagi Prefecture's prime rice basket, so crafting sake with a connection to the region at its core is one of the brewery’s founding principles. The brewery is also a member of a consortium of seven local breweries called the DATE SEVEN, which work as a team to explore the frontiers of brewing sake together. Believing that sake can achieve so much more, they hope to create new appeal for and increase its popularity worldwide.
As the only brewery in Misato, it also leads the brewing for the town’s local Kogota Nourin High School as part of their 130th anniversary “Tosho” sake project. But, of course, there is no sake without rice, which the students grow themselves. The brewery hopes the experience will foster an understanding as to rice’s importance in sake production and the precision that goes into agriculture.
商号 | 合名会社 川敬商店 |
代表社員 | 川名 眞紀子 |
蔵元兼杜氏 | 川名 由倫 |
創業 | 1902年 |
所在地 | 〒989-4206 宮城県遠田郡美里町二郷字高玉六号7 |
連絡先 | 0229-58-0333 |
FAX | 0229-58-0334 | |
事業内容 | 日本酒の製造・販売 |

蔵元兼杜氏 川名 由倫